Aging Matters
It is estimated that 10,000 baby boomers turn 65 every day in the United States. That trend will continue for the next decade. At the same time, we are living longer than ever before. Experts project that by 2020, there will be more Americans over aged 65 than children under the age of 5, an unprecedented milestone in human history.
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28m 21s
We know loneliness can negatively impact our health, but what do we do about it? This NPT Reports: Aging Matters episode explores the benefits and challenges of developing relationships as we age.
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28m 21s
We know loneliness can negatively impact our health, but what do we do about it? This NPT Reports: Aging Matters episode explores the benefits and challenges of developing relationships as we age.
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29m 41s
NPT explores how growing older can be an isolating experience and the difference between isolation and FEELING isolated or lonely. We’ll also look at innovative ways to create communities that prevent isolation and social withdrawal.
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40m 30s
Fountaingrove Lodge in Santa Rosa, California, is the nation’s first state-licensed continuing care retirement community (CCRC) that’s specifically for LGBTQ+ seniors and their allies. The Lodge looks inside this unique experiment in gay/straight living to show us the daily lives, hopes, and fears of people in their 70’s, 80’s, and 90’s. What you discover will surprise you.
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26m 46s
Women Unseen focuses on the challenges women face as they age, including economic insecurity, outliving partners, the responsibilities of caregiving, and policies that impact women over a lifespan. This edition of Aging Matters explores ways to empower older women to ensure continued dignity and a consistent quality of life.
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56m 39s
Exploring heathy aging with Drs. Jon Hallberg and Tseganesh Selameab through the 4M’s framework of Mobility, Mentation (more commonly thought of as mood and memory), Medication and What Matters to older adults, all with an artistic lens. This is a co-production with the Center for the Art of Medicine at the University of Minnesota Medical School.
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27m 59s
Why is it that, for some people, getting old is a headlong slide into disability and social isolation, while others are still vibrant and active into their eighties and beyond? What keeps SuperAgers going has as much to do with humor, positivity and heart as with physical well-being—people who have found deep satisfaction and joy in old age despite the losses and health issues we all encounter.
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